Author Topic: "Indexer Information" mainframe vs windows.  (Read 2759 times)


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"Indexer Information" mainframe vs windows.
« on: November 29, 2011, 08:44:44 AM »

My question is regarding ?Indexer Information?(OS/390) and how its priority is handled in the Z/0S mainframe environment.

My system loads notices into IBM OD CM via JCL in the mainframe environment,
and we define our ?Indexer Information? in the mainframe environment too.

We create Application & App Groups using the Windows ?OnDemand Administrator? application.

When we create, an Application there is a Tab for ?Indexer Information.?
I know the Index information goes here when you are loading in the windows environment;
but I am loading in the mainframe environment.
Does this (windows) ?Indexer Information? interact with the ?Indexer Information? I have in the mainframe environment?
Does one override the other?
Do they complement each other (do they combine)?
Or what?

Thanks for your time.

- Douglas


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Re: "Indexer Information" mainframe vs windows.
« Reply #1 on: December 07, 2011, 09:46:29 AM »

It depends how many instances of CMOD you have.  The Windows Admin application may be pointing to the mainframe CMOD instance, so it is all one and the same set of Indexer Information.

You can name applications the same in different instances, but that is not advisable.
