Author Topic: ARSXML - The Canary In The Coal Mine For Needing Space Above The 2 Gigabyte Bar?  (Read 1669 times)


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Had a couple reports come in almost at the same time of an ARSXML export error.

This is on V9.5. 

Note:  On V9.5 ARSXML is exploiting 64 bit. There are a few functions in V9.5 that are already 64 bit and ARSXML is one of them.

The error message seen was:

ARS7764I Export of applicationGroup, INVOICES1 failed.                   
File=//'SYS17205.T110034.RA000.ARGAPPLG.SRCCMS.H01(ARGAPPLG)', Line=3669

No other error messages.

One would think that it's running out of space trying to create a temporary file out on disk somewhere.

Not so.  The ARSXML export is trying to allocate space above the 2 gigabyte bar.

The problem was the IEFUSI exit in both cases.

Specifying REGION=0M wasn't giving sufficient storage above the bar.

The circumvention (rather than fix the IEFUSI exit) was to specify MEMLIMIT=10G on the JOB card.
