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Messages - Justin Derrick

Pages: 1 ... 26 27 28 29 30 [31] 32 33 34 35 36 ... 133
MP Server / Re: Move CMOD 9.5 to new windows server, remote db not changing
« on: September 04, 2019, 01:52:55 PM »
To understand what went wrong in your cache, start here...

... then pop back and ask any questions you might have.


Windows Client / Re: Can ALL error messages be Suppressed
« on: September 03, 2019, 09:52:28 AM »
There isn't a thick client command line option for this -- but you could put it into the enhancements request section.


MP Server / Re: corrupted trace file -
« on: August 26, 2019, 11:59:53 AM »
Check your environment variables for the LANG parameter.  It might be set to a codepage/region that's different from your CMOD database / environment.


Report Indexing / Re: Default date
« on: August 26, 2019, 11:48:14 AM »
Can you show us an example of a failed message?

You should still be able to use the "t" parameter as a default value for a date field.


MP Server / Re: Storage Node File Location
« on: August 26, 2019, 05:42:10 AM »
If there's no TSM Client on the machine, you're missing the information that you'd normally require to access those documents.

Your best bet is to ask the local TSM admins to check for the nodename on any of the servers they administrate.  Some sites will opt to put data into their enterprise TSM backup server for "simplicity", even though it causes way more problems than what it's worth.


MP Server / Re: corrupted trace file -
« on: August 26, 2019, 05:39:28 AM »
You may need to use the -c option to change the codepage.

Alternatively, you may have found a bug in the debugging code...  if that's true, I think you deserve a prize.  :D


MP Server / Re: Version control - CMOD Objects
« on: August 15, 2019, 07:01:39 AM »
Yeah, you'd be better off creating an extra field, putting a default value in it (like -1) and updating it nightly by searching for the number of times the metadata appears previously, and setting the version number appropriately, or having version control happening elsewhere.

And really, if that's a core requirement that you'll be leaning heavily on, you should consider CMv8 or Filenet for this solution.


Ah.  Yeah.  Cheque images are a monster.  If anything, they should probably be stored individually as TIFF/GIF/PNGs in CMOD, but you'll probably have to twist the arm of the line of business to get it done.

I'd say you have a rare (not unique) requirement, and you should probably talk to the developers about how this could be addressed -- likely by excluding specific types of graphics, or graphics with a particular tag.

As for the optimizing the images...  You could probably only reduce their size / quality so much before customers would complain about readability, and your print vendor would complain about the extra CPU you'd be chewing up to create those optimized versions.

And as for help with your query, send me a DM.


10 images per page is a little heavy, but it also depends on what they are.  If it's an image of text / fine print, that's bad.  If it's a company logo or some icons, it shouldn't be too bad.

But if you have the same 10 images over and over again, 280+ times, then there's an optimization issue somewhere.  You're going to have to meet with the people who produce your documents and see what they can do for you.


MP Server / Re: I just found an AG with no Segment Field...
« on: August 10, 2019, 10:03:23 AM »
Cool.  Thanks for the insight Rob. 

I had a quick meeting with the customer on Friday, and I think we're just going to copy, correct, and reload the data by having the line of business resend everything.


I only have one thing to say in response to the resource size:  That's insane.  :)

Consider asking the people generating the statements run the images through an optimizer (zopflipng), reduce the resolution, substitute fonts, etc.


MP Server / Re: I just found an AG with no Segment Field...
« on: August 07, 2019, 05:35:51 PM »
That's the thing...  There is a "DocumentDate" field, but it's not selected as segment.  There's no other date field defined. 

I've been thinking about it on and off for hours, and the only thing I can think of is, at load time, it's placed in the cache with an expiry date of today+90 days...  Then the cache expiration runs weekly, and the eligible files expire.  Either that, or maybe it's using a field from the arsload table.  I'll have to dig into it some more when I'm back on site.


I'd start by fetching one of these PDFs, and finding someone with Adobe Acrobat Professional.  There's an option in Acrobat Pro to audit a PDF file and determine how much space is allocated to different data in the file itself (like images, fonts, text, etc.) once you find the offenders (often images or fonts) it might be possible to reduce their size or remove them.  Alternately, there's another option in Acrobat called 'optimize' -- and it may substantially reduce the size of a PDF by re-compressing images, substituting fonts, or enabling compression.

Compression is a mixed-bag, depending on which PDF indexer you're using.


MP Server / I just found an AG with no Segment Field...
« on: August 07, 2019, 10:42:31 AM »
So at a customer site, I found an Application Group that was defined without a Segment Field.  Despite the warning about not defining an App Group without a Segment field, this definition made it all the way to production...  three years ago!

The Storage is set to 'Cache Only' and the expiration type is "Load", and the Load ID is coming back with zeros in the mix/max date fields...  But somehow, data is still expiring on an appropriate schedule.

I'm baffled as to how this is actually working.  Has anyone dealt with this before?


MP Server / CMOD ERM + TSM
« on: August 06, 2019, 01:03:56 PM »
Hey everyone.  :)

I'm looking for some insight regarding CMOD Enhanced Retention Management and TSM/Spectrum Protect.

We're building Application Groups with implied holds, and storing the data long-term in TSM.  We've got the TSM hierarchy set up, but we're wondering if we've got the config right...

We've set retinit=event, but we're not sure exactly how to set everything else. 

The config is that an upstream system will deliver a file to us with a list of documents expiring that day, and we'll process that and tell CMOD which documents to expire -- so... do we set the retention to one day, so that the documents are deleted the day after we get the permission from the upstream system to dispose of the file? 

It's my first time setting up ERM this way, so any info / insight / wisdom would be greatly appreciated. 



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