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Messages - Justin Derrick

Pages: 1 ... 17 18 19 20 21 [22] 23 24 25 26 27 ... 133
OD/WEK & JAVA API / Re: ODWEK Install on v10.5
« on: June 13, 2020, 08:26:08 AM »
It's only been about three months since IBM CMOD 10.5 was announced, and Content Manager OnDemand fixpacks are released every 3 to 6 months, so I wouldn't expect any quite yet.  You can check the wiki for links to OnDemand fixpacks when they're released:

... or use the shortlink I've created:


iSeries / Re: Retrieving spool files
« on: June 09, 2020, 06:38:37 AM »
Probably needs to be converted from EBCDIC to ASCII.

Or if the data is in AFP format, you'll need to view it with AFP workbench.


Report Indexing / Re: indexing from filename
« on: June 09, 2020, 06:36:57 AM »
It would be helpful if you'd show us the command, and not just the results.


There may be multiple System Load tables...  SA2, SA3, etc.  You may need to search more than just one. 


A 2.2GB *document* is crazy.    That's over 432,000 letter-sized pages of text.

I see two solutions... 

1)  You'll need to improve the indexing to break this document down into smaller documents.

2)  You'll probably have to send the file in several pieces as well.

As for why it's successful manually...  Are you sure the entire document is getting loaded, and that it's not getting truncated silently? 

The limitation is related to the 32-bit address space - it can only calculate the size/offset of a document up to the 2GB mark.  After that, it overflows and your data gets corrupted.


OD/WEK & JAVA API / Re: ODWEK Install on v10.5
« on: May 30, 2020, 11:12:07 PM »
For all things related to licensing, check with your IBM Client Rep.

Generally speaking, ODWEK is included under your existing licenses, and there's no restriction on the number of ODWEK Instances you need.  Also, you don't need to configure the CMOD server in order to run ODWEK.

Also, it's not advisable to try and split ODWEK from the installer packages - there are common libraries shared between CMOD & ODWEK.


Report Indexing / Re: Priority loads
« on: May 28, 2020, 01:59:55 PM »
Have three different arsload daemons set up to search three different directories.  Using the -t parameter, set up one that launches every 5 minutes, one that launches every 30 minutes, and one that launches every 3 hours....  or whatever schedule meets your needs.  If you're using the GUI, there should be a 'sleep' parameter, measured in seconds.


MP Server / Re: arsload stores the same AFP Resource many times
« on: May 22, 2020, 05:11:54 AM »
Ah....  I get it...  so that the file has the retention extended in TSM.

So this sounds like a TSM configuration issue...  Changing retver to 1 in the storage policy in TSM should fix it.


MP Server / Re: arsload stores the same AFP Resource many times
« on: May 20, 2020, 05:16:18 PM »
Do you have more than 50 unique resource bundles? 

It sounds like a bug that if a resource bundle matches an existing one, that it would try to re-write it -- it should simply record the id number of the matching resource, and then use that in the AG table.

I'd wonder if your documents are somehow slightly different.  I've had customers with a 'perfect storm' of situations that led to them having over 80,000 resources in a single Application Group.  We were able to retrieve the resources, and use a hash function to determine that there were only about 2000 unique resources, but because of the low default (50) it was extraordinarily unlikely that the exact same style of document would be loaded twice within that 50-load window.


Tips and Tricks / Re: Best way to "select count" from ondemand?
« on: May 19, 2020, 12:31:56 PM »
Awesome!  I'm glad the CMOD wiki was helpful.  :)

From one "JD" to another "JD"...  take care!  :D


Announcements & News / CMOD 9.5 Fixpack 13 released...
« on: May 17, 2020, 08:33:07 AM »
Just a quick note that if you're still on v9.5, (presumably) the last Content Manager OnDemand fixpack (v9.5.0.13) for 9.5 was released on Friday May 15th, 2020.

... or, if you prefer, the shortlink:

the OnDemand server Fixpack appears to include a bump in the support GSKit version to (which is not available for download from FixCentral ?!?) and includes some ODWEK CGI and ODWEK Java API bug fixes.


Yup, I was super sad to hear of Karole's passing.  She was always delightful and knowledgeable. 


Absolutely!  Marina solved problems that stumped me for days!  Even though we haven't spoken in a few years, I'm sad to hear she won't be there anymore, but I absolutely wish her all the best in her new adventure.  :D


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